Job Name: Waikamoi Flume Replacement
Owner: County of Maui, HI
Job Location: Maui, HI
Job Value: $11,178,355.00
Contract Timeline: 520 working days
Contract Description: The Waikamoi Flume Replacement Project is located on the slopes of Haleakala at approximately 4500 foot elevation. This treacherous 1.1 mile flume located on the steep slopes and dense rainforest was constructed over 100 years ago and made entirely out of Redwood. Severely dilapidated conditions prompted the reconstruction project. This Project consisted of diverting water for nearly 5800 lineal feet and reconstructing a flume system over the same footprint made entirely out of aluminum. Due to the terrain, no land-operated equipment could be used; so all materials and tools were either carried in or flown in by helicopter. This $11.5 million dollar project was completed ahead of schedule and was the winner of multiple awards.
Awards: ASCE Hawaii 2015 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award- Best Large Project Award (Construction project > 10 million); ACEC Hawaii Engineering Excellence- Grand Conceptor Award & People Choice Award