Job Name: A Line Bus Rapid Transit Construction
Owner: Metropolitan Council
Job Location: St. Paul, MN
Job Value: $11,151,840.37
Contract Timeline: 360 days
Contract Description: This project includes construction of 26 arterial bus rapid transit stations. Each station includes platform construction, shelter, pylon and platform amenities installation, and transit signal revisions to construct the first of many BRT lines coming to the Metro area. Platform construction generally consists of sidewalk removal, clearing and grubbing, utility work, conduit installation, concrete sidewalk, roadway improvements including concrete pavement at stations and bike lane modifications, signing and stripping, and construction of shelter and pylon foundations. Shelter, pylon and platform amenities installation includes the assembly and installation of bus shelter and pylons, as well as installing other platform amenities such as benches, bike racks, light fixtures, and trash receptacles. Also installed transit signal priority and communications devices at 22 existing signal systems.